JF Cruiser Trailteams style threshold plates
The threshold plate is excellent for providing that extra traction when accessing your roof racks. The plate is made out of 1/8" aluminum, it's machined down 1/16" for an aggressive no slip tread which ruffly takes about 2hrs to make. The plates are tapered to match the still and are side specific
The panel comes in bare aluminum. Paint the panel using any spray paint for metal, like rustoleum etc. Once dried, sand the top of the panel with an orbiter or a sanding block. The center FJ can be painted to match your vehicle using a paint stick sold at the parts store.
The panel can be screwed in or secured with 3M tape (not included in raw aluminum)
In the drop down you can select one painted in red or black for an additional $25 and it will come with 3M tape if you decide to me do it. It will come with a final clear coat.